• Home of Century Cylinders™ And Mechanical Concrete®

Goodbye to damaging potholes
and frequent surface maintenance.

HELLO to roads and
foundations that are
stronger and built faster.

Mechanical Concrete®, built with Century Cylinders™, is a patented, environmentally-friendly road base that confines aggregate inside a steel-belted, tire-derived cylinder.

This technology produces a strong base that allows good drainage while preventing washouts and potholes.

Environmentally Friendly

Low Maintenance

Quick Installation

Century Cylinders™ are installed by your road building contractor as the foundation for surfaces like:

  • Roads
  • Work pads
  • Laydown areas
  • Parking lots
  • Retaining walls
  • Rail tracks

and any surface exposed to heavy loads, including

  • trucks
  • cars
  • trains
  • forklifts, and more.

Mechanical Concrete® was selected by the American Society of Civil Engineers Grand Challenge Infrastructure Innovation Contest for the “Green Engineering—Most Feasible” award

This product contributes to corporate ESG goals and may qualify for carbon and green credits.

Purdue University did extensive research and agreed with us! Here is their finding.